Status update

It's has been a very long away period, from the post history you would thought I was swallowed somewhere in Amsterdam :) (probably the best AND worse place to be swallowed in), but I haven't . EuroOscon has come and gone (on this regard, you should probably check out the available presentation files), and things sunk in a bit, but I haven't really got up to do much after that, work has been sort of hectic, stuff that should be done by now is taking over and stress has been pilling a bit ... my fault really , but self-blame is mostly useless (although not harmless).

The next weeks ... nay, months, will be (I deeply hope) different from anything so far, in January a young geek baby will make is debut, kicking and screaming (and something more, I fear :| ), and a mild life reflection should take place about my own future (income and free time will be a greater factor for starters :( ) , so I hope to somehow find the right track, the right motivation and a bit of wisdom (luck?) to make the occasional right choice :). This means I'll have to think less and act more, which has been my problem for as long as I remember (a sure sign that things will not change THAT much), and improve my ability for self-motivation (or rather, find one), and a good measure of how good I'll be doing will be this very blog :) , and that's what I'll in six months to see how well (or not) things are going :), so, for those who actually visit this, and for those who have to see it for a few moments on P*, I hope I can at the very least make those short minutes a bit more interesting for you :). For now .. I'm just glad to be back here, to active blogging life ;)