Why not Reboot?

Not going to Reboot produces mixed feelings :| , on the one hand it must be amazing, truly, going to Denmark, meeting a bunch (a large one, me thinks) of people who share a large percentage of interests (amongst them mr. Pedro and mr. André :), respectable Portuguese fellows ), and going absolutely mental over a great number of issues . BUT ... this isn't a normal regular day at the office, not by a long shot, it's actually a Big Thing, and I wanted to share that with my wife .... who would be bored to death :) and so another option came up and we'll do the next Big Thing and head up to London with two buddies ...

So, playing the Be-a-Shrink Character, I ask, how does that make me feel? Well, mixed feelings :) , I'm really really sorry for missing something of this technical and social magnitude, knowing however that it (or other like ... it ) will happen again :) but ... I'm happy, to the full extend of the word that I get to go to London (again :) but by myself now :) ) with my wife and with my two friends (one that to this days is oblivious to the awful awful experience of flight ... just kidding ... maybe not .... naahh, just kidding ... maybe not .. muahaha, you'll have to wait to find out :) ) , and I'm happy for the time of ... either way, I'll be listening for info coming from RebootLand :)